Investment Criteria
Company Characteristics
- Market/industry segment leadership or niche with a defensible market position
- EBITDA margins over 10 percent
- Growth opportunities – internal or acquisition
Industry Focus
- Building Materials and Services
- Manufacturers of value-added, non-commodity products for new construction and remodeling
- Contractors serving residential home builders or
residential/commercial maintenance needs
- Business Services
- Recurring revenue streams
- Scalable business models
- Consumer products
- Hard goods (not food) products sold to e-Commerce
and Big Box retailers
- Specialty Manufacturing
- Value-added, important to their customers
- Generally lower labor content
- Particular focus on metal and plastic fabrication
Company Size by Geography
- U.S. companies east of the Rocky Mountains with
minimum EBITDA of $2.0 million
- Midwest companies within a five hour drive of
Chicago with minimum EDITDA of $1.0 million
Investment Horizon
- Minimum 5 years
- No maximum
- We gladly compensate intermediaries for closed transactions